Making Climate Change Visible is a body of work funded by a Kolman&Reeb Gallery Project Space Grant. This work grew from observations of the impact of air pollution and sky visibility that I noticed during my daily walks.
Covid 19 Blue 2 33" x 96" x96" hand knit wire Gallery view with Canadian Smoke and Blue Skies on the back wall
Covid 19 Blue 2 view from below
Siren Sunset 96" x 118 " hand knit wire
Sirent Sunset corner view
Climactic Points Temperature Change Graph 1880- 2020 hand knit and crocheted wire
Blue Skies Too 116" x 66" x2" Hand knit wire; mirror
Blue Skies Too. detail
Canadian Smoke 80" x 67" x 51 " Knit wire, graphite on wall
Breath 3, 2,1, 4 1: 10.5" x 9" x 2.5" 2: 20" x 9" x 4" 3: 12.5" x 6" x 5" 4: 16.5" x 9" x 7" Knit copper wire, metal coil
Breath 4 16.5" x 9" x 7" Hand knit copper wire
Red Copper Twist 1 H 28” x W 6” D 6” Hand knit copper, found metal
Red copper Twist 4 21'x5"x3" Hand knit copper wire, forged iron hook
Red Copper Twist 2,4,3 2: 13"x6"x6" 3: 27" x 6" x 3" 4: 21" x 5" x 3" Hand knit copper wire; forged iron hooks
Smokey Air Twists 2,1,3 2: 13" x 6" x 6" 1 : 34" x 6" x 5.5" 3 28" x5" x 6" Knit wire; found metal
Abstracted Air 17" x 12" x 8" knit copper wire; found metal
Copper Air Vessel 7.5" x 6" x 5.5 " Knit and looped copper wire This contains an inner vessel
Covid 19 Blue 1
Covid 19 Blue 1. detail
Untitled Brass H30” x W 4” x D 2.75” Hand knit brass; found iron